onsdag 17 april 2013

Jerusalem, thou city fair and high

1. Jerusalem, thou city fair and high, 
would God I were in thee! 
My longing heart fain, fain to thee would fly, 
it will not stay with me; 
far over vale and mountain, 
far over field and plain, 
it hastes to seek its Fountain 
and quit this world of pain. 

2. Oh happy day, and yet far happier hour, 
when wilt thou come at last? 
When fearless to my Father's love and power, whose promise standeth fast, 
my soul I gladly render, 
for surely will His hand 
lead her with guidance tender 
to heaven her fatherland. 

3. A moment's space, and gently, wondrously, released from earthly ties, 
the fiery car shall bear her up to thee 
through all these lower skies, 
to yonder shining regions, 
while down to meet her come 
the blessed angel legions, 
and bid her welcome home. 

4. Oh Zoin, hail! Bright city, now unfold 
the gates of grace to me! 
How many a time I long'd for thee of old, 
ere yet I was set free 
from yon dark life of sadness, 
yon world of shadowy nought, 
and God had given the gladness, 
the heritage I sought. 

5. Oh what the tribe, or what the glorious host, comes sweeping swiftly down? 
The chosen ones on earth who wrought the most, the Church's brightest crown, 
our Lord hath sent to meet me, 
as in the far-off years 
their words oft came to greet me 
in yonder land of tears. 

6. The Patriarchs' and Prophets' noble train, 
with all Christ's followers true, 
who bore the cross, and could the worst disdain 
that tyrants dared to do, 
I see them shine for ever, 
all-glorious as the sun, 
'mid light that fadeth never, 
their perfect freedom won. 

7. And when within that lovely Paradise 
at last I safely dwell, 
from out my blissful soul what songs shall rise, 
what joy my lips shall tell, 
while holy saints are singing 
Hosannas o'er and o'er, 
pure Hallelujahs ringing 
around me evermore. 

8. Innumerous choirs before the shining throne 
their joyful anthems raise, 
till Heaven's glad halls are echoing with the tone 
of that great hymn of praise, 
and all its host rejoices, 
and all its blessed throng 
unite their myriad voices 
in one eternal song!

lördag 13 april 2013

Father of heaven, whose love profound

1. Father of heaven, whose love profound
a ransom for our souls hath found,
before Thy throne we sinners bend,
to us Thy pardoning love extend.

2. Almighty Son, incarnate Word,
our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord,
before Thy throne we sinners bend,
to us Thy saving grace extend.

3. Eternal Spirit, by whose breath
the soul is raised fron sin and death,
before Thy throne we sinners bend,
to us Thy quickening power extend.

4. Thrice Holy! Father, Spirit, Son,
mysterious Godhead, Three in One,
before Thy throne we sinners bend,
grace, pardon, life to us extend.

Just a closer walk with Thee

1. I am weak, but Thou art strong; 
Jesus, keep me from all wrong; 
I’ll be satisfied as long 
as I walk, let me walk close to Thee.

2. Through this world of toil and snares, 
if I falter, Lord, who cares? 
Who with me my burden shares? 
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee. 

3. Just a closer walk with Thee, 
grant it, Jesus, is my plea, 
daily walking close to Thee, 
let it be, dear Lord, let it be.

fredag 12 april 2013

All hail the power of Jesus´ name

1. All hail the power of Jesus’ Name! 
Let angels prostrate fall; 
bring forth the royal diadem, 
and crown Him, crown Him Lord of all. 

2. Crown Him, ye martyrs of your God, 
who from His altar call; 
extol the Stem of Jesse’s Rod, 
and crown Him, crown Him Lord of all. 

3. Sinners, whose love can ne’er forget 
the wormwood and the gall, 
go spread your trophies at His feet, 
and crown Him, crown Him Lord of all. 

4. Let every tribe and every tongue 
before Him prostrate fall 
and shout in universal song 
the crownèd, crownèd Lord of all.

What joy there is in coming

1. What joy there is in coming 
to God’s own courts so fair, 
where faithful souls are blooming 
like lilies in His care! 
They raise their chalices tender 
for Heav’n’s refreshing dew, 
//: ’mid blessings God doth render 
they life and strength renew :// 

2. How beautiful the union 
of souls redeemed and free, 
who hold with God communion 
in faith and purity! 
While songs of praise are filling 
their sacred place of rest, 
//: who then can be unwilling 
to join their circle blest? :// 

3. Come, see the Lord’s salvation 
and taste His love sincere; 
come, pray without cessation, 
watch with His people here. 
Outside, the world makes merry, 
unhappy ’mid its toys, 
//: but in God’s sanctuary 
the soul finds heav’nly joys :// 

4. May ne’er my footsteps falter 
tow’rd night away from day; 
my light shines from God’s altar, 
my Sun I’ll seek alway. 
Here in His presence glorious 
it is so good to be— 
//: let here my soul victorious 
its tabernacle see ://

torsdag 4 april 2013

Sabbath day of rest and cheer

1. Sabbath day of rest and cheer! 
Day divine, to me so dear! 
Come, O come to old and young, 
gath’ring all for prayer and song. 

2. Now the week of toil is o’er, 
and in peace we sit once more 
at our Father’s ample board, 
listening to His gracious Word. 

3. Lord, our God, we seek Thy face, 
bless us with Thy saving grace; 
may Thy heralds everywhere 
clear Thy Gospel truth declare. 

4. Let Thy mighty Word hold sway 
over men on earth today; 
our poor souls, good Shepherd, feed, 
into pastures green us lead. 

5. May, O Lord, the day be near, 
when we pass from trials here 
into Thine eternal rest, 
in the mansions of the blest.