lördag 7 mars 2015

My crucified Saviour, despised and contemned

Alt. koral:

1. My crucified Saviour, despised and contemned,
Thou innocent Victim for sinners condemned, 
Thy garments are blood-stained, Thy spirit doth groan, 
In agony prostrate, Thou sufferest alone. 
Thou weepest and moanest in conflict and prayer,
and writhest in agony, pain, and despair; 
in thirty years’ anguish our path Thou hast trod,
and diest at last to redeem us to God. 

2. For me Thou hast labored salvation to win, 
for me tasted death to atone for my sin; 
neglected, forsaken, but mindful of me, 
Thou prayest for those who have crucified Thee. 
Thou consecrate Victim, my Passover slain, 
The gall and the wormwood for me Thou dost drain. 
That I might be blessed Thou sufferest all woe,
and diest at last on me life to bestow. 

3. Our Saviour thus finished God’s plan with our race, 
and laid the foundation for pardon and grace. 
And then rose triumphant, the conquering Lord,
appeased the Creator and mankind restored, restored to the bliss that was lost in the fall, 
yea, greater, for Jesus prepared for us all 
eternal salvation and mansions above; 
come, poor burdened sinners, rejoice in His love. 

4 What is, then, to be reconciled unto God? 
It is that He silenced the curse by His blood; 
and what the relation to which we're restored? 
The right to be counted the friends of the Lord. 
So come, trembling sinner, come just as thou art,
Thy cares and Thy sorrows to Jesus impart; 
in Him seek salvation from death and the grave,
for Jesus is willing and mighty to save.

fredag 6 mars 2015

Beneath the cross of Jesus

Alt. koral:

1. Beneath the cross of Jesus 

I fain would take my stand, 
the shadow of a mighty rock 
within a weary land; 
a home within the wilderness, 
a rest upon the way, 
from the burning of the noontide heat, 
and the burden of the day. 

2. O safe and happy shelter, 
o refuge tried and sweet, 
o trysting place where Heaven’s love 
and Heaven’s justice meet! 
As to the holy patriarch 
that wondrous dream was given, 
so seems my Savior’s cross to me, 
a ladder up to heaven. 

3. There lies beneath its shadow 
but on the further side 
the darkness of an awful grave 
that gapes both deep and wide, 
and there between us stands the cross 
two arms outstretched to save 
a watchman set to guard the way 
from that eternal grave. 

4. Upon that cross of Jesus 
mine eye at times can see 
the very dying form of One 
who suffered there for me; 
and from my stricken heart with tears 
two wonders I confess: 
the wonders of redeeming love 
and my unworthiness. 

5. I take, O cross, thy shadow 
for my abiding place; 
I ask no other sunshine than 
the sunshine of His face; 
content to let the world go by 
to know no gain or loss, 
my sinful self my only shame, 
my glory all the cross.