måndag 10 februari 2014

He´s risen, he´s risen, Christ Jesus, the Lord

1. He’s risen, he’s risen, Christ Jesus, the Lord; death’s prison he opened, incarnate, true Word. Break forth, hosts of heaven, in jubilant song 
while earth, sea, and mountain the praises prolong.  

2. The foe was triumphant when on Calvary,
the Lord of creation was nailed to the tree. 
In Satan’s domain his hosts shouted and jeered, for Jesus was slain, whom the evil ones feared. 

3. But short was their triumph, the Savior arose, and death, hell, and Satan he vanquished, his foes; the conquering Lord lifts his banner on high. 
He lives, yes, he lives, and will nevermore die. 

4. Oh, where is your sting, death? We fear you no more; 
Christ rose, and now open is fair Eden’s door. 
For all our transgressions his blood does atone; redeemed and forgiven, we now are his own. 

5. Then sing your hosannas and raise your glad voice; 
proclaim the blest tidings that all may rejoice. Laud, honor, and praise to the Lamb that was slain; 
in glory he reigns, yes, and ever shall reign.

Shepherds in the field abiding

1. Shepherds in the field abiding, 
tell us, when the seraph bright 
greeted you with wondrous tiding 
what you saw and heard that night. 
//: Gloria in excelsis Deo :// 

2. We beheld it (it is no fable), 
God incarnate, King of bliss, 
swathed and cradled in a stable, 
and the angel strain was this: 
//: Gloria in excelsis Deo ://

3. Choristers on high were singing, 
Jesus and his Virgin birth 
heavenly bells the while a-ring, 
"Peace, good will to men on earth." 
//: Gloria in excelsis Deo :// 

4. Thanks, good herdmen, true your story, 
have with you to Bethlehem; 
angels hymn the King of glory, 
carol we with you and them: 
//: Gloria in excelsis Deo ://

tisdag 4 februari 2014

In the hour of my distress (Litany to the Holy Spirit)


1. In the hour of my distress, 
when temptations me oppress, 
and when I my sins confess, 
sweet Spirit, comfort me!

2. When I lie within my bed, 
sick in heart and sick in head, 
and with doubts discomforted, 
sweet Spirit, comfort me!

3. When the house doth sigh and weep, 
and the world is drown'd in sleep, 
yet mine eyes the watch do keep, 
sweet Spirit, comfort me!

4. When the passing bell doth toll, 
and the Furies in a shoal 
come to fright a parting soul, 
sweet Spirit, comfort me!

5. When the tapers now burn blue, 
and the comforters are few, 
and that number more than true, 
sweet Spirit, comfort me! 

6. When the priest his last hath pray'd, 
and I nod to what is said,
 'cause my speech is now decay'd, 
sweet Spirit, comfort me!

7. When, God knows, I'm toss'd about 
either with despair or doubt; 
yet before the glass be out, 
sweet Spirit, comfort me!

8. When the tempter me pursu'th 
with the sins of all my youth, 
and half damns me with untruth, 
sweet Spirit, comfort me!

9. When the flames and hellish cries 
fright mine ears and fright mine eyes, 
and all terrors me surprise, 
sweet Spirit, comfort me!

10. When the Judgment is reveal'd, 
and that open'd which was seal'd, 
when to Thee I have appeal'd, 
sweet Spirit, comfort me!