måndag 21 januari 2013

Love divine, so great and wondrous

1. Love divine, so great and wondrous, 
deep and mighty, pure, sublime! 
Coming from the heart of Jesus, 
just the same through tests of time.
He the pearly gates will open, 
so that I may enter in; 
for He purchased my redemption 
and forgave me all my sin. 

2. Like a dove when hunted, frightened, 
as a wounded fawn was I; 
brokenhearted, yet He healed me, 
he will heed the sinner’s cry. 
He the pearly gates will open...

3. Love divine, so great and wondrous, 
all my sins He then forgave! 
I will sing His praise forever, 
for His blood, His power to save. 
He the pearly gates will open...

4. In life’s eventide, at twilight, 
at His door I’ll knock and wait; 
by the precious love of Jesus 
I shall enter Heaven’s gate.
He the pearly gates will open...

Jesus, Thy Name hath pow´r to bless

1. Jesus, Thy Name hath pow’r to bless 
our troubled souls in all distress. 
On us, dear Lord, bestow Thy grace, 
and guide us safely all our days. 

2. The only Son of God Thou art, 
forgive our sins and cleanse our heart; 
behold and help us in our need, 
Thou Who art God and Man indeed. 

3. In Thee is all our righteousness, 
in Thee all peace and blessedness. 
Who trusteth in Thy holy Name 
shall be redeemed from sin and shame. 

4. We praise Thee for Thy living Word, 
and for Thy sacraments, O Lord. 
Grant us Thy peace in all our strife, 
and after death eternal life.