söndag 17 juni 2012
Hark, the voice of Jesus calling
Annan melodi:
1. Hark, the voice of Jesus calling,
“Who will go and work today?
Fields are ripe and harvests waiting,
who will bear the sheaves away?”
Long and loud the Master calls us,
rich reward He offers free;
who will answer, gladly saying,
“Here am I, send me, send me”?
2. If you cannot cross the ocean,
and the distant lands explore,
you can find the lost around you,
you can help them at your door.
If you cannot give your thousands,
you can give the widow’s mite;
what you truly give for Jesus,
will be precious in His sight.
3. If you cannot speak like angels,
if you cannot preach like Paul,
you can tell the love of Jesus,
you can say He died for all.
If you cannot rouse the wicked,
with the judgment’s dread alarms,
you can lead the little children
to the Savior’s waiting arms.
4. If you cannot be the watchman,
standing high on Zion’s wall,
pointing out the path to heaven,
offering life and peace to all,
with your prayers and with your bounties
you can do what heaven demands;
you can be like faithful Aaron,
holding up the prophet’s hands.
5. If among the older people,
you may not be apt to teach,
“Feed My lambs,” said Christ, our Shepherd, “place the food within their reach.”
And it may be that the children
you have led with trembling hand,
will be found among your jewels,
when you reach the better land.
6. Let none hear you idly saying,
“There is nothing I can do.”
While the lost of earth are dying,
and the Master calls for you.
Take the task He gives you gladly;
let His work your pleasure be;
answer quickly when He calls you,
“Here am I, send me, send me.”
söndag 10 juni 2012
Deck thyself my soul with gladness
1. Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness,
leave the gloomy haunts of sadness;
come into the daylight’s splendor,
there with joy thy praises render
unto Christ Whose grace unbounded
hath this wondrous banquet founded.
Higher o’er all the heav’ns He reigneth,
yet to dwell with thee He deigneth.
2. Hasten as a bride to meet Him
and with loving reverence greet Him;
for with words of life immortal
now He knocketh at thy portal.
Haste to ope the gates before Him,
saying, while thou dost adore Him,
suffer, Lord, that I receive Thee,
and I nevermore will leave Thee.
3. He who craves a precious treasure
neither cost nor pain will measure;
but the priceless gifts of heaven
God to us hath freely given.
Though the wealth of earth were offered,
naught would buy the gifts here offered:
Christ’s true body, for thee riven,
and His blood, for thee once given.
4. Ah, how hungers all my spirit
for the love I do not merit!
Oft have I, with sighs fast thronging,
thought upon this food with longing,
in the battle well nigh worsted,
for this cup of life have thirsted,
for the Friend Who here invites us
and to God Himself unites us.
5. In my heart I find ascending
holy awe, with rapture blending,
as this mystery I ponder,
filling all my soul with wonder,
bearing witness at this hour
of the greatness of God’s power;
far beyond all human telling
is the power within Him dwelling.
6. Human reason, though it ponder,
cannot fathom this great wonder
that Christ’s body e’er remaineth
though it countless souls sustaineth
and that He His blood is giving
with the wine we are receiving.
These great mysteries unsounded
are by God alone expounded.
7. Sun, who all my life dost brighten,
Light, who dost my soul enlighten;
Joy the best that any knoweth;
Fount, whence all my being floweth;
at Thy feet I cry, my Maker,
let me be a fit partaker
of this blessèd food from heaven,
for our good, Thy glory, given.
8. Lord, by love and mercy driven
Thou hast left Thy throne in heaven
on the cross for me to languish
and to die in bitter anguish,
to forego all joy and gladness
and to shed Thy blood in sadness.
By this blood redeemed and living,
Lord, I praise Thee with thanksgiving.
9. Jesus, Bread of Life, I pray Thee,
let me gladly here obey Thee.
By Thy love I am invited,
be Thy love with love requited;
from this supper let me measure,
Lord, how vast and deep love’s treasure.
Through the gifts Thou here dost give me
as Thy guest in heaven receive me.
tisdag 5 juni 2012
Salvation unto us has come
1. Salvation unto us has come
by God's free grace and favor;
good works cannot avert our doom,
they help and save us never.
Faith looks to Jesus Christ alone,
who did for all the world atone;
he is our one Redeemer.
2. What God did in His Law demand
and none to Him could render
caused wrath and woe on every hand
for man, the vile offender.
Our flesh has not those pure desires
the spirit of the Law requires,
and lost is our condition.
3. It was a false, misleading dream
that God His Law had given
that sinners should themselves redeem
and by their works gain heaven.
The Law is but a mirror bright
to bring the inbred sin to light
that lurks within our nature.
4. From sin our flesh could not abstain,
sin held its sway unceasing;
the task was useless and in vain,
our gilt was e'er increasing.
None can remove sin's poisoned dart
or purify our guileful heart,-
so deep is our corruption.
5. Yet as the Law must be fulfilled
or we must die despairing,
Christ came and hath God's anger stilled,
our human nature sharing.
He hath for us the Law obeyed
and thus the Father's vengeance stayed
which over us impended.
6. Since Christ hath full atonement made
and brought to us salvation,
each Christian therefore may be glad
and build on this foundation.
Thy grace alone, dear Lord, I plead,
Thy death is now my life indeed,
for Thou hast paid my ransom.
7. Let me not doubt, but trust in Thee,
Thy Word cannot be broken;
Thy call rings out, "Come unto Me!"
No falsehood hast Thou spoken.
Baptized into Thy precious name,
my faith cannot be put to shame,
and I shall never perish.
8. The Law reveals the guilt of sin
and makes men conscience-stricken;
the Gospel then doth enter in
the sinful soul to quicken.
Come to the cross, trust Christ, and live;
the Law no peace can ever give,
no comfort and no blessing.
9. Faith clings to Jesus' cross alone
and rests in Him unceasing;
and by its fruits true faith is known,
with love and hope increasing.
Yet faith alone doth justify,
works serve thy neighbor and supply
the proof that faith is living.
10. All blessing, honor, thanks, and praise
to Father, Son, and Spirit,
the God that saved us by His grace,-
all glory to His merit!
O Triune God in heaven above,
who hast revealed Thy saving love,
Thy blessed name be hallowed.
måndag 4 juni 2012
In Christ there is no east and west
1. In Christ there is no East or West,
in Him no South or North;
but one great fellowship of love
throughout the whole wide earth.
2. In Him shall true hearts everywhere
their high communion find;
his service is the golden cord,
close binding humankind.
3. Join hands, then, members of the faith,
whatever your race may be!
Who serves my Father as His child
is surely kin to me.
4. In Christ now meet both East and West,
in Him meet North and South;
all Christly souls are one in Him
throughout the whole wide earth.
God moves in a mysterious way
1. God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea
and rides upon the storm.
2. Deep in unfathomable mines
of never failing skill
He treasures up His bright designs
and works His sovereign will.
3. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
the clouds ye so much dread
are big with mercy and shall break
in blessings on your head.
4. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
but trust Him for His grace;
behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.
5. His purposes will ripen fast,
unfolding every hour;
the bud may have a bitter taste,
but sweet will be the flower.
6. Blind unbelief is sure to err
and scan His work in vain;
God is His own interpreter,
and He will make it plain.
Triune God be Thou our Stay
Triune God, be Thou our Stay,
when hell's dread pow'rs assail us;
cleanse us from our sins, we pray,
nor in our last hour fail us.
Keep us from the Evil One;
firm in the faith abiding,
in Christ our Savior hiding,
and heartily confiding.
Let us put God's armor on:
with all true Christians running
our heav'nly race and shunning
the devil's wiles and cunning.
Amen, Amen, this be done,
so sing we, Hallelujah!
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